Red garnetRed garnet is well known for its connection to life force and fire energy. It works quickly on the heart, blood and circulatory system as it improves the assimilation of nutrients. Because of its connection with the base chakra (red), its benefits extend into the base of the spine, bringing life force up the spinal column and central chakra channel for an energizing effect on the entire body/mind. Red garnet is energetically strong and should always be balanced with green and/or pink stones.Peruvian pink opalPeruvian pink opal (also called Andean opal), has a high content of water that balances and supports the flow of energy throughout the body. It activates the heart chakra while encouraging the smooth flow of energy up and down the spine. Peruvian opal also balances the strong energy of red garnet, while amplifying creativity and fluidity of movement (physically and energetically). It includes areas of white, beige and pink that are linked with the divine feminine, with sexual organs, and with the heart, respectively.Green aventurineGreen aventurine additionally balances the strong energy of red garnet. It is connected with the heart chakra (green) and helps balance masculine and feminine energies while amplifying the pioneering spirit and enhancing creativity. Green aventurine is widely recognized for its healing attributes and its ability to help release disharmonious energies that might impede the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. It also contains mica with reflective properties that can help each individual see the characteristics in others that he/she chooses to emulate... or release. This strengthens each person’s ability to focus on things that are truly important.