White MoonstoneMoonstone is often referred to as the “stone of youth.” On a physical level, it is anti-aging—supporting hydration, immune function and DNA repair. On a deeper level, it reflects a person’s spiritual light back to him/herself. Moonstone reveals the truth of who you really are from a divine perspective. This allows you to make adjustments in habits and behaviors that will support greater physical balance and harmony from a divine perspective.ApatiteApatite is nourishing on all levels—from the physical to the emotional and spiritual. On a physical level, it brings awareness of the body’s needs so you more apt to make wise choices regarding foods, exercise, sleep, etc. On an energetic level, apatite brings balance to the body within its energetic field for support of optimal well-being based on a spiritual perspective.Blue Lace AgateBlue Lace Agate is known as a “water stone.” It soothes and hydrates with particular attention to the nervous system. Its calming affects on nerves help you to handle stress more effectively; this supports all organs and tissues for faster recovery and ongoing regeneration. Blue lace agate also assists your energetic identity so you attract the people and circumstances that are more in harmony with your mission and purpose. And because blue lace agate is a member of the agate family, it is naturally grounding. It will help you stay balanced and comfortable in an ever-changing world.