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Introductory Kits
Introductory Kit #1
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Introductory Kit #1
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Introductory Kit #1 includes a 1 lb. bag of activated, unprocessed salts for structuring and re-mineralizing water; a Vortex Magnetizer (6 magnet), and a Tensor Ring (1/2 cubit); with instructions for use.
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Introductory Kit #1
Introductory Kit #1 includes the basic tools for making simple structured water:
1. Minerals (salts)
2. Vortex Magnetizer (6 magnets)
3. Tensor Ring
Activated Salt Blend
The Activated Salt Blend contains the full spectrum of minerals for making a dynamically charged saturated salt solution to balance, structure and/or re-mineralize water. It is a combination of 7 moist, unprocessed salts from around the world. Each salt brings its own energetic fingerprint.
Read more about the individual salts in the blend
Vortex Magnetizer (VM) with 6 magnets
This simple tool which fits a variety of different bottles, creates a vortex as water passes through a field-reversing magnetic array. Within minutes, it transforms ion-rich water into living water with an organized molecular matrix. Each time water spins through the VM, a greater degree of cooperation/coherence is established among water molecules. (bottles not included with the kit).
Read more about the VM
Tensor Ring
Tensor Rings are closed loop coils, discovered by Slim Spurling. Originally called Light-Life Rings, they create an invisible column of energy. These simple tools a powerful effect on water and thus, on living biology. They structure water and also protect it from EMFs and other energetic disturbances.
When water passes through the energetic column of a Tensor Ring, its molecular structure becomes more organized. Chlorine and other impurities are released, pH is more balanced, hard water minerals (those too large to be held within the structure of the water) drop out of solution, and the taste of the water generally improves. The longer water sits inside a Tensor Ring, the more refined its molecular structure becomes.
Read more about Tensor Rings
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5/5 rating
Amazing product !!
I tried this product and immediately I could feel a very positive change in my drinking water. I felt energized immediately and my chronic backache went away. The water tastes different -- I am a software developer so pardon my jargon but I would say it's like "higher-resolution" water -- the water really has a "finer" taste, as if it's made up of particles smaller than before. The water feels more "hydratious", it seems to just go down and get absorbed everywhere in my body better -- at least that's what it feels like drinking this water.
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Reviewed by:
Gene C
from Toronto, Ontario, Canada on 11/8/2012
5/5 rating
The Fundamentals
This introductory kit is an absolutely wonderful way to get back to the basics. Start with "dead water" or "empty water" and learn to add minerals and protect your water. I am a Cancer survivor and when I fell sick I went back to basics and started with water. We are made up of mostly water and our cells draw water into them, this is very important and if the dead or empty water is drawn in then your cells will not have the vital minerals it needs. Structuring and protecting your water is absolutely key and I am happy and healthy. Thank you this kit opened my eyes and My wife and I now use the kit for homeschooling as a science experiment or learning opportunity.
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(Verified Buyer)
zachariah griffith
from Bellingham WA on 2/26/2017
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