Triskelions (set of 4, cubit length (19.65 inch) copper triskelions -- 1 3/4 inches across)
The set of 4 triskelions includes 2 masculine triskelions and 2 feminine triskelions. Masculine triskelions are made of 12-gauge copper wire. Feminine triskelions are made with 3 strands of smaller gauge wire that are twisted together before winding in the triple spiral.
The triskelion or triskele (also known as the triple-spiral or “Spiral of Life”) is an ancient symbol with a powerful connection to water. Triskelions represent balance. When made of certain metals, they set up a bioelectric and biomagnetic energy flow based on mathematics and sacred geometry. They act as receivers and transmitters, with the ability to neutralize harmful energy, balancing Yin and Yang, (positive and negative; masculine and feminine) in almost any setting. Copper triskelions raise the vibration of the water. They also create energetic vortices that bring molecular structure to water. The triskelion can be used alone or in conjunction with other structuring techniques outlined in of Dancing with Water. Triskelions can structure water within hours (depending on the size of the triskelion and on the size of the water container). The authors of Dancing with Water use triskelions everywhere: on water containers, on structuring devices, in their pockets, on/around plants, in the garden, etc. The masculine form imparts a stronger, more direct energetic influence while the feminine form has a more delicate energy flow. Either form will work independently. However, for maximum benefit, use triskelions in pairs.
Read the article on triskelions
Watch the video on how to make your own triskelion