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Orgone Energy
Water Cradle Base
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Water Cradle Base
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Orgone Water Cradle Base (5 inches diameter)
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Water Cradle Base
The Water Cradle base is a handmade orgone energy accumulator (made with iron oxide powder, copper powder, quartz sand, muscovite mica flakes, paramagnetic rock powder, shungite, gold and silver leaf - and other components -- with a copper triskelion embedded in the center).
The base measures 5 inches in diameter and is 1 inch deep. It was designed to accommodate either a single Tensor Ring (placed around the outside of the base) or the set of three Rings. Weight 1lb
Orgone is a term used to describe layers of metal and other inorganic materials encased in resin for the purpose of focusing life force and dispelling negative energy. The term, orgone was coined by Wilhelm Reich in the 1940s. Reich discovered that by layering organic and inorganic materials, life force energy (orgone) could be concentrated.
Orgone energy pieces are a modern way of concentrating life force. The mixture has a powerful ability to neutralize negative energy and transform it through re-organization. It is used to protect environments from electromagnetic frequencies, power lines, microwaves, cell towers, geopathic stress and other forms of disruptive energy. Depending on its size and the materials used in construction, orgone pieces can protect a glass of water, a room, or an even larger area. They can also structure water; they attract life force, and they protect/enhance water’s liquid crystalline matrix. When used in conjunction with water, the orgone Water Cradle Base helps to create full-spectrum, living water within 3-4 hours (depending on the quality of the source water). The longer water sits, the more energetically refined it becomes. The unique combination of golden ratio geometry in the Water Cradle, with the Orgone base, Tensor Ring and shungite (all sold separately and as a set), tap into the creative forces of the universe. When used with love and gratitude, this combination brings in the fundamental blueprint for creation which is intended to be carried in water throughout the universe.
Read the article on orgone.
The Water Cradle Base is intended for use with the Water Cradle but it is sold separately here and can also be used underneath a pitcher or other water container. It can be placed under a dinner plate to reduce the harmful effects of pesticides, preservatives, and other food additives.
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