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Watt-Ahh 1-liter bottle
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Watt-Ahh 1-liter bottle
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Watt-Ahh 1-liter bottle
(Does not ship internationally)
Named for the Watts and Amps produced as lightning delivers electrons to the Earth’s surface, Watt-Ahh delivers electrons to the body in a unique form of structured water made with ultrapure water and a new patented “water-gas,” called DiTetra® gas (2 water molecules combined with 4 extra electrons). Named also for the Ahh… experience and the fun play on the word WATER, Watt-Ahh is much more than a fun beverage. In a nutshell:
Watt-Ahh provides tiny packets of energy ready to be utilized for a myriad of biological functions—everything from supporting the mitochondrial production of ATP (where electrons are often a limiting factor) to wound healing and the reduction of inflammation.
The presence DiTetra® gas in Watt-Ahh supports the development of a coherent crystalline network. This improves signal transmission and the transfer of information within biological organisms.
Watt-Ahh enhances absorption. This was shown during studies at the University of Florida where vitamin C uptake more than tripled when it was introduced with Watt-Ahh. The presence of the gas appears to energize cellular receptors and to emulsify lipids for improved absorption and greater utilization of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Watt-Ahh promotes rapid hydration. Intracellular water movement (largely dependent on membrane electrical potential) improves. Energized water passes easily through membranes into cells.
Watt-Ahh combines water with energy—the two limiting factors for deep cellular cleansing.
To fully appreciate what this water is and what it can do for you, we recommend you read the
3-Part article
on the website discussing our experience as we (authors of Dancing with Water) investigated this revolutionary form of structured water. You can also
Watch the interview or listen to the podcast that MJ did with Wendy Myers.
The last part of the interview is about Watt-Ahh.
NOTE: We cannot compete with the shipping rates to ship whole cases of Watt-Ahh. Nor do we have the warehouse capabilities to do so. We offer 1 liter bottles from our store for those who want to “feel” the energy of this water before they invest in the purchase of a whole case, OR for those who just want to use this water to hold and carry “information,” for which it is extremely suited. Elixirs and ormus are all stabilized and amplified in Watt-Ahh.
Watt-Ahh is not widely available… yet (unless you live on the Eastern seaboard), so when you are ready to purchase larger quantities, we suggest you purchase from the company who makes it—
in Sarasota FL, or on Amazon.
We know that selling and shipping bottled water goes against the grain for most of us, so we will take this opportunity to remind everyone to dispose of plastic bottles with an appropriate recycling program.
The information on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice, nor should it be construed as a therapeutic recommendation for any disease or symptom. Persons with any health related problem should consult a qualified, licensed healthcare provider. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Each person is different and the way you respond to a particular product/process may be different from the way others respond.
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5/5 rating
This water changes my each and every day. When I wake up I typically consume between a 1/4 and 1/2 liter of WATT AHH and shortly thereafter find myself feeling clear head and calm, somehow deeply nourished. Even though WATT AHH is not a uniquely Dancing with Water product I am so grateful to MJ for the many ways in which she has educated me about water and the many options available!
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Reviewed by:
Nancy Walker
from Portland, OR on 1/31/2021
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